You are entirely up to you…
DeeDee Morford, Owner of Beyond the Fit Academy, is an Ace-Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Coach, Certified Instructor with the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, and Personal Empowerment Advocate.
An ACE-Certified Personal Trainer since 2001, DeeDee designs original strength-building and toning programs targeted to achieve specific results. DeeDee uses cutting-edge strategies and the latest research to develop specialized classes and training plans that are extremely effective. Her style includes relentless enthusiasm, firm encouragement, and expert development of exercise programs. DeeDee's focus is to help others to change their patterns of behavior and lifestyle to reach their desired goals. She understands that each client has his or her own set of unique needs, fears, and habits that need to be addressed in a trusted manner. She believes with grace and a rock solid faith that no matter who you are, no matter what happened to you in the past, YOU ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY DO have the power to change.
In addition to an extensive role as Personal Trainer, she works with over 100 people in specialty Boot Camps, Group Weight-Loss Programs, and Challenges with great success.
Successful people are just ordinary people with extraordinary determination. When there is success with her programs and challenges, she understands it takes perseverance and dedication. She is there every step of the way. It is with great joy in seeing the transformation of so many ladies and men in our community. Not just in there physical appearance, but their growing confidence, increased self-discipline and knowing all of their goals and dreams are within their reach. Her hope is that her clients can pass the love of fitness to their friends, family and children who will then love to move, eat healthy, and live a more rewarding life!
She has recently reached out to corporations to start Corporate Fitness Programs. At Beyond the Fit Academy, the goal is for an Inspired Wellness Community. She develops frameworks to change the company's culture to align with missions to inspire wellness, happiness, and healthier employees through fitness. Employees have thrived with this program, feel more positive, and productivity levels reflect these amazing results.
DeeDee loves working with our older adults through the Savvy Senior Exercise Program. Savvy Seniors is designed for our senior population to improve mobility, muscle strength, and functional ability and for social fun. DeeDee also partners with Park County Senior Center and Livingston Health Care to offer classes through the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program. This is a community-based recreational group exercise and education program designed specifically for people with arthritis and related diseases.
DeeDee has additional coursework including Sports Nutrition, Effective Strength Training, Progressive Plyometric Training, Targeted Bodysculpting Instruction, Pre- and Post-Natal Fitness and Longevity Wellness Specialty, Sports Injuries Identification and Recovery, Older Adult Strength Training and is currently studying to be a Nutrition Specialist through AASDN (American Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists).